Thursday, June 14, 2007


Hey everyone, I hope all is having a good day. I had a good interview last week with Four Oaks. They said I interviewed well which is a good sign. I have still not heard a response yet, they said it would be a week or so before they would let me know. I have a 50/50 chance of being offered the job due to the fact they are hiring two positions and have only 4 people to interview. It sounds like a good opportunity for me but the hours and distance are some hindering factors. I have been praying about it and talking it over with family, as well as still hunting for additional opportunities that may become available. I thank you all for your prayers and support. Kris


Overflow said...

keep us posted Kris! I'm glad the interview went well! -meg

Overflow said...

What's the status?? I'm sure everyone else knows, but I'm been MIA. What's your summer going to be like? PA trip?? - bethany